Thursday, February 28, 2008

A merry heart!

Proverbs 17:22 says in the KJV that "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." In the NIV, it says "A cheerful heart is good medicine." At any rate, this stamp is one of the first ones I ever thought to create. :-)

I have to admit that I needed more than a merry heart, though, as I struggled with a nasty bout of the flu the last couple of days. I'm pretty much over it now, but still a bit weak. Our family seems to be taking turns with it ...

The heart is from Biblical Impressions, and the swirls from Rhonna Farrar. Text is from Encouraging Impressions.

1 comment:

Sharon in NE said...

Rhonna Farrar's swirls exemplify "merry". I love the fact you put them with this verse! How appropriate!